晋建文,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,国家级青年人才计划入选者(2024年)。主要研究方向为药物化学及有机合成方法学。 2019年至2023年在莫纳什大学药学院及澳大利亚药物研发转化平台从事新药研发及商业化工作,所负责参与的两个项目,总计获超两百万七十万澳元(1300万元)的投资。截止2023年6月,共发表SCI论文17篇,其中第一作者4篇,主要发表在Nature Communications(影响因子:17.69),Journal of the American Chemical Society(影响因子:16.38),Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis(影响因子:5.83) 等专业权威期刊。
07/2023-至今 暨南大学先进与应用化学合成研究院 副研究员
10/2019-07/2023 莫纳什大学药学院&澳洲药物研发转化平台 博士后研究员
10/2018-10/2019 莫纳什大学化学系 博士后研究员
4/2015-10/2018 莫纳什大学化学系 哲学(有机化学)博士 导师:Philip Chan教授
09/2010-06/2013 复旦大学药学院 理学硕士 专业:药物化学 导师:张倩副教授
09/2006-06/2010 中国药科大学 理学学士 专业:中药学
1. Jin, J.; Zhao, Y.; Kyne, S. H.; Farshadfar, K.; Ariafard, A.*; Chan, P. W. H.* Copper(I)-catalysed site-selective C(sp3)–H bond chlorination of ketones, (E)-enones and alkylbenzenes by dichloramine-T. Nat. Commun. 2021,12 (1), 4065.(Impact factor 17.69)
2. Jin, J.;Zhao, Y.; Gouranourimi, A.; Ariafard, A.*; Chan, P. W. H.* “Chiral Brønsted Acid Catalyzed Enantioselective Dehydrative Nazarov-type Electrocyclization of Aryl and 2-Thienyl Vinyl Alcohols”,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 17, 5834–5841.(Highlighted by SYNFACTS, Synfacts 2018, 14, 760; Highlighted by Chemistry in Australia, Chem. Aust. 2018, July, 14. Impact factor 16.38)
3. Jin, J.;Zhao, Y.; Sze, E. M. L.; Kothandaraman, P.; Chan, P. W. H.* “Chiral Brønsted Acid and Gold Catalyzed Enantioselective Synthesis of 1,8-Dihydroindeno[2,1-b]pyrroles”, Adv. Synth. Catal.2018, 360, 24, 4744–4753. (Selected as VIP paper, Impact factor 5.83)
4. Ling, V. Y.; Straube, J.; Godfrey, W.; Haldar, R.; Janardhanan, Y.; Cooper, L.; Bruedigam, C.; Cooper, E.; Tavakoli Shirazi, P.; Jacquelin, S.; Tey, S.-K.; Baell, J.; Huang, F.; Jin, J.; Zhao, Y.; Bullinger, L.; Bywater, M. J.; Lane, S. W., Targeting cell cycle and apoptosis to overcome chemotherapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 2023,37 (1), 143-153.(Impact factor 11.53)
5. Zhao, Y.; Merrett, J. T.; Jin, J.; Yu, L.-J.; Coote, M. L.; Chan, P. W. H., Gold catalysed site-selective cross-coupling of tertiary α-silylamines with 1-iodoalkynes under UVA LED light. Org. Chem. Front.2023, 10, 759–766.(Impact factor 5.28)
6. Pitcher, N. P.; Harjani, J. R.; Zhao, Y.; Jin, J.; Knight, D. R.; Li, L.; Putsathit, P.; Riley, T. V.; Carter, G. P.; Baell, J. B., Development of 1,2,4-Oxadiazole Antimicrobial Agents to Treat Enteric Pathogens within the Gastrointestinal Tract. ACS Omega 2022, 7 (8), 6737-6759.(Impact factor 4.13)
7. Zhao, Y.; Bruce, L. D.; Jin, J.; Xia, B.*; Chan, P. W. H.* Copper catalyzed N-formylation of α-silyl-substituted tertiary N-alkylamines by air. Green Chem, 2020, 22, 5296–5302.2. (Selected as an inside cover work; impact factor 10.18)
8. Li, G.; Henry, S. A.; Liu, H.; Kang, T.-S.; Nao, S.-C.; Zhao, Y.; Wu, C.; Jin, J.; Zhang, J.-T.; Leung, C.-H.; Chan, P. W. H.*; Ma, D.-L.*, A robust photoluminescence screening assay identifies uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitors against prostate cancer. Chem. Sci. 2020,11, 1750–1760.(Selected as an Edge Article and Front Cover Picture; impact factor 9.96)
9. Chen, X.; Zhou, Y.; Jin, J.; Farshadfar, K.; Ariafard, A.; Rao, W.*; Chan, P. W. H.* Gold Catalyzed Cyclopropanation/[5+3] Cycloaddition of 1,4,9- and 1,4,10-Allenenynes to Bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane Derivatives. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2020, 362, 1084. 1.(Impact factor 5.83)
10. Zhao, Y.; Henry, S. A; Jin, J;Clarkson, G. J.; Chan, P. W. H.* “Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Cyclization of β-Amino-1,4-enols to Oxazol-2(3H)-ones and 5-Alkenyloxazolidin-2-ones”, Asian J. Org. Chem.2019, 8, 1029–1032.(invited paper for special issue)
11. Zhao, Y.; Jin, J.;Chan, P. W. H.* “Gold Catalyzed Photoredox C1-Alkynylation of N-Alkyl-1,2,3,4 Tetrahydroisoquinolines by 1-Bromoalkynes with UVA LED Light”, Adv. Synth. Catal.2019, 361, 6, 1313–1321.(Selected as an Edge Article and Front Cover Picture; impact factor 5.98)
1. 药物化学:肿瘤,代谢类疾病的小分子药物研发。
2. 有机化学:有机合成方法学,自由基化学,不对称催化等。
联系方式: 暨南大学第二理工楼